Video Watermark Remover
Version: 3,11 Shareware
Remove watermark from video easily !

"Do you want remove watermark from video such as logos, signatures, subtitles ? Then try this watermark remover software application. It will remove logo from video and make it unnoticeable. You can specify the exact watermark area and also the exact time position where the watermark is appearing. Just select the area where the watermark on the preview screen and the start and end time position of the video where the watermark is being showed. Then press the ""Remove Watemark"" button, select the output format and the video without the watermark will be generated immediately. You can remove multiple watermarks that are on different time positions at once ! Video Watermark Removerhas a large number of different output formats and output profiles, including profiles for Android, Iphone, Ipod, PSP, XBOX, H265, MP4, AVI, Xvid, DVD e.t.c. You can specify the output format and different encoding options directly and you can also normalize the output audio, mix or replace the audio of the join with another audio file, draw text on the combined video, draw scrolling text on the merged video. The application supports drag-and-drop actions and is very easy to use. The application is also multilingual and translated into 39 different languages."

Category: Video Tools,Video Editing,Video,Editors and Convertors,Audio and Video,Multimedia,Windows
4dots Software

Keywords: video watermark remover,video watermark,remove watermark from video,remove logo from video,watermark,video tools, video, multimedia, video editing

What is the best video surveillance software?

Traditional video surveillance systems require infrastructures including expensive servers with capabilities to process images and store video recordings. These surveillance systems produce and need to store a huge amount of data and to execute on them specific image analysis in real-time in order to detect safety events.

Web camera pro is, without a doubt, one of the best video surveillance software solutions that can help you set up your own personal video surveillance center.
It features great compatibility and is easy to configure.

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