VideoInfo Express
Version: 1.2.3 Freeware
Retrieve metadata from any video file.

VideoInfo Express is a handy tool to retrieve metadata such as frame rate, resolution, audio and video bitrate, duration, encoder from a video or audio file. This software shows everything about a media file. It also has an extended analysis feature which gives much more information, such as audio and video stream infomation, codec name, profile, codec type, sample rate, channels layout, time base and more.

Category: Multimedia and Design :: Utilities,Multimedia and Design :: Miscellaneous
AuDane software

Keywords: video info, video metadata

What is the best video surveillance software?

Traditional video surveillance systems require infrastructures including expensive servers with capabilities to process images and store video recordings. These surveillance systems produce and need to store a huge amount of data and to execute on them specific image analysis in real-time in order to detect safety events.

Web camera pro is, without a doubt, one of the best video surveillance software solutions that can help you set up your own personal video surveillance center.
It features great compatibility and is easy to configure.

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