Version: 2.0.1 Shareware
View live stream from multiple IP cameras

The application features a clean and intuitive user interface, its straightforward functionality posing little to no difficulty in working with, from the first run. The program supports MJPEG/RTSP/RTMP stream cameras, enabling you to them in thumbnail-size, organized in tiles, or individually, in windowed-mode or full screen. To add a new camera to AnyCam, you need only input the IP address or the domain name, the port number being optional. Aside from that, there are no other configuration options.You can then click 'Save' and the tool will attempt to stream the images captured by your device, enabling you to view them on our computer. Moreover, the utility allows you to grab screenshots of the current webcam and store them to your system, for later usage. However, the streamed video cannot be recorded and saved to your PC, only watched live, so should you wish to monitor your home or a different building, someone needs to keep an eye on the screen at all times.

Category: Internet :: Miscellaneous,Utilities :: Miscellaneous,Internet :: Network Tools,Internet :: Monitoring,Home &, Hobby :: Misc. Home

Keywords: ip-camera, viewer, mjpeg, mjpg, cctv, rtsp, rtmp, mp4, mpeg-4, video surveillance, ip cam, camera software

What is the best video surveillance software?

Traditional video surveillance systems require infrastructures including expensive servers with capabilities to process images and store video recordings. These surveillance systems produce and need to store a huge amount of data and to execute on them specific image analysis in real-time in order to detect safety events.

Web camera pro is, without a doubt, one of the best video surveillance software solutions that can help you set up your own personal video surveillance center.
It features great compatibility and is easy to configure.

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